+421 947 973 737 info@glampingresort.sk

1. Participants of the contractual relationship:
Provider: Realitný expert s.r.o., IČO 50154338, with registered office in Bottova no. 36/7, 971 01 Prievidza
Guest: the person ordering the accommodation, who can be a legal entity or a natural person
2. Services provided by the Provider, using the Guest.
2.2. As for the order of services, the Guest submits directly to the Provider, then the Guest is the Contract
aside. The Provider and the Guest – if the conditions are met – appear together as contractual parties
(hereinafter the Parties).
2.3. Regarding the order of services on behalf of the Guest, a third party (hereinafter
Intermediary), then the terms of cooperation are governed by the contract concluded between the Provider and
3. General conditions
3.1. These “General Terms and Conditions” govern the rights and obligations of the Provider and Guests
results from their mutual contractual relationship, the subject of which is operation
devices and/or other services provided by the provider.
3.2. Special, individual conditions are not part of the published General Terms and Conditions
conditions, but do not exclude the conclusion of special agreements with Guests and third parties (such as
travel agencies, travel agencies, event agencies,…), individually
cases with different, certain kind of visitor trade, conditions.
4. Formation of the contract, method of reservation, modification of the reservation, notification obligation
4.1. The contract is created by the Provider’s written confirmation of an order submitted orally or in writing
or reservations by the Guest or the Intermediary, and is considered concluded in Writing
The contract. A reservation, agreement, modification of services orally confirmed by the provider does not have the weight of a contract.
4.2. By confirming the reservation, a contract on accommodation is concluded between the guest and the Provider according to
§ 754 et seq. of the Civil Code. By concluding an accommodation contract, the guest has the right to
The Provider provided him with short-term accommodation in the reserved accommodation unit, for the period and for
conditions according to the confirmed reservation. The contract for the use of accommodation services is concluded for a period of time
4.3. If the Guest definitively leaves the accommodation unit before the end of the agreed period, then
the Provider has the right to a proportionate amount of consideration for the services specified in the Agreement. Accommodation
a unit that was released before the expiration of the agreed period, the Provider is entitled to re-use
rent to another Guest.
4.4. To extend the use of accommodation services initiated by the Guest, consent is required
Provider. In such a case, the Provider may reserve payment for services already provided.
4.5. A written agreement, signed by the Contracting Parties, is required to amend and/or supplement the Agreement
5. Conditions for canceling a reservation (Cancellation conditions)
5.1. The Provider is entitled to charge the Guest the following cancellation fees in the event that the Guest cancels
your stay reservation in writing or electronically within the following deadlines:
• less than 14 days before arrival: 50% of the total accommodation price.
• less than 7 days before arrival: 100% of the total accommodation price.
5.2. In the event that the Guest embarks on a stay and has decided on this stay during its course from various
reasons to cancel or shorten, the Guest will also be charged a cancellation fee in the amount of 100% of the total
accommodation prices.
6. Prices
6.1. The prices for each accommodation unit as well as the prices of additional services are published on
website and on the websites of the Intermediaries.
6.2. The provider may change its published prices without prior notice.
6.3. At the same time as announcing the prices, the Service Provider will also announce the amount of taxes included in the prices
(VAT, local accommodation tax), determined by law, valid at the time of sending the offer. The provider may incur additional costs caused by the amendment of applicable tax laws (VAT, local tax from
accommodation), after prior notification, transfer to the Contracting Party.
6.4. Current discounts, promotions, other offers will be announced on the website and on the website
6.5. Specific prices, conditions of stay for children, discounts and promotional packages are available on the website
of the given offer.

7. Method of payment, guarantee
7.1. The Provider demands consideration for the services provided to the Contracting Party no later than after their
use, before leaving the accommodation, but within the framework of an individual agreement, it can also provide the option
later payment.
7.2. Provider to guarantee the use of services according to the Agreement and to settle the consideration before
using the services provided:
a) may request a credit card guarantee, during which the consideration will be tied to the card
ordered and confirmed service;
b) may request an advance payment for all or part of the services provided in the amount of min. 50% of
accommodation prices.
7.3. The costs associated with the use of any payment method are borne by the Contracting Party.
8. Method and conditions of using services – Accommodation regulations
The accommodation policy forms an inseparable annex to these General Terms and Conditions.
9. Refusal to fulfill the contract, termination of the obligation to provide services
9.1. The provider is entitled to terminate the Agreement on the provision of accommodation with immediate effect
services, thereby refusing to provide services if:
a) The guest does not use the accommodation unit, or the equipment that was made available to him, for
the purpose for which it is intended;
b) The guest behaves towards the security, the order of the accommodation unit, towards the employees in an undesirable manner,
in a rude manner, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, behaves offensively or in other unacceptable ways
in a manner;
c) The guest suffers from an infectious disease;
d) The contracting party fails to fulfill its obligations to pay the advance payment, specified in
9.2. If the Agreement between the parties is not fulfilled due to “vis majeure”, the agreement will expire.
10. Rights and obligations of Guests
10.1. According to the contract, the Guest is entitled to use the ordered accommodation according to the method of its determination
unit, as well as devices that belong to the scope of usual services, and for which they do not pay specially
10.2. The Guest may submit a complaint regarding the services provided by the Provider during the period
stay in the accommodation facility. The provider undertakes to resolve the complaint he received in this regard
period verifiably delivered in writing (or a record of the complaint was drawn up by him).
10.3. The guest is obliged to pay the consideration for the services ordered in the Contract by the deadline and in the manner
specified in the contract
10.4. The guest undertakes to comply with the Accommodation Rules.
10.5. The guest may not bring his own food or drinks to the restaurant facilities belonging to them
accommodation facilities.
10.6. The guest is responsible for damages and disadvantages suffered by the Provider or a third party
The Guest, or his accompanying person, or other persons for whom the Guest is responsible. This one
liability also applies if the injured party has the right to request payment of his damage directly from
Service provider.
11. Obligations of the Provider
11.1. The provider is obliged to:
a) perform accommodation and other services ordered on the basis of the contract, in accordance with valid and customary regulations
market standards imposed on the given services;
b) investigate a written complaint or the Guest’s complaint and take the necessary steps to solve it
problem, about which he is obliged to write minutes. Complaints are governed by the Complaints Procedure;
c) follow the Accommodation Regulations.
11.2. The Provider is responsible for all damages that the Guest suffers through the fault of the Provider or his
employees in the Provider’s facilities.
11.3. The Provider’s liability does not extend to damage caused by events arising from
unavoidable reasons that are beyond the competence of the Provider’s employees and its Guests, or
which the Guest has caused himself.
11.4. The Provider can designate places in the accommodation facility to which Guests do not have access.
The provider is not responsible for any damages or injuries caused in these places.
11.5. The guest must immediately report the damage he/she has incurred by calling 0905 245 812 or
by sending an e-mail to info@glampingresort.sk and providing all the information necessary for clarification
the circumstances of the event that caused the damage, or for writing a police report/initiation
police investigation.
11.6. The provider is responsible for damages caused to the accommodated Guest by loss or destruction
or by damaging his belongings, as long as the Guest has stored them in a place designated by the Provider, respectively at
a place usually designated for this purpose, or to his room, or which the Guest has handed over to them
employees of the Provider, whom he could consider authorized to take over his belongings.
11.7. If the Provider due to its own fault (e.g. overcrowding, temporary operational problems,
etc.) cannot provide the services specified in the Contract, the Provider is obliged to immediately take care of
alternative accommodation of the Guest.
11.8. The provider is obliged to:
a) ensure/offer the services specified in the Contract, for the price confirmed in the contract, for the period specified therein –
or until the obstacles are removed – in another accommodation facility of the same or higher category.
All additional costs associated with securing alternative accommodation are borne by the Provider;
b) provide the Guest with a one-time telephone call, free of charge, to notify of a change of location
c) provide a free transfer for the Guest to move to alternative accommodation and to any other accommodation
moving back later.
11.9. If the Provider fully fulfills all these obligations, or if the Guest has been accepted
alternative accommodation offered, the Contracting Party cannot make additional claims
for compensation.

12. Confidentiality and protection of personal data
12.1. The service provider is obliged to follow the guidelines on data processing according to the law
18/2018 Coll. in accordance with later regulations.
12.2. Following Act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and GENERAL DATA
PROTECTION REGULATION (GDPR) – Regulation of the European Parliament and the EU Council 2016/679 no
on April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data and o
free movement of this data, this document contains information on the processing of personal data
by Realitný expert, s.r.o.:

Company name: Real Estate Expert
(hereinafter “Operator”)
In connection with the provision of accommodation services, the Operator requires the provision of the following
personal data of accommodated persons (i.e. affected persons):
13. Name and surname
14. Address of permanent residence
15. Identity card or travel document number
16. Date of birth and nationality of foreigners
17. Telephone number and/or email address
18. The provider is obliged to process the data 1. to 3. for the needs of proof records according to §
37 – 43 of Act no. 582/2004 Coll. on local taxes and the local municipal fee
waste and small construction waste and Generally binding regulations of municipalities in which
accommodation units are located, and which discuss the local tax for accommodation, further
for accounting, records and complaint resolution.
Data 4. the Operator is obliged to process according to § 112-113 of Act no. 404/2011 Coll. about the stay
The record of this data is therefore a legal obligation applicable to the Operator and
does not require the informed consent of the accommodated guests.
The telephone number (5) is necessary for communication with the accommodated guests before and during their stay
purposes of the legitimate interests of the Operator.
The data are used exclusively in the manner established by law and for the time necessary for
provision of ordered services, the Operator does not provide them to third parties and with the exception of data
19. does not use them for marketing purposes either.
The Operator does not use other intermediaries to process the above data.
The person responsible for personal data protection is not an employee of the Operator.
Contact email:
Data subjects have the right to:
● request access to your personal data
● to correct your personal data
● to delete your personal data after the necessary time has passed
● to limit the processing of personal data
● for portability of personal data
● object to the processing of personal data
The affected persons can exercise the aforementioned rights:
● by sending a letter in writing to the address of the Operator’s headquarters
● electronically by sending an e-mail to the address given above

20. Vis major
20.1. Reason or circumstance (for example: fire, flood, bad weather, power outage
current, etc. ), which are not in the power of the Parties (vis majeure), exempt all parties from performance
obligations arising from the contract during the duration of this reason or circumstance. The parties agreed to
by doing everything in their power to avoid the possibility of such reasons and circumstances arising, and z
for such reasons, they reduced the damage to the lowest possible level.
21. Alternative dispute resolution
21.1. The supervisory body in matters of consumer protection is the Slovak Trade Inspection (SOI)
relevant SOI inspectorates for the given region, in accordance with the territorial administrative arrangement of the Slovak Republic, Bajkalská
22.2. The Guest has the right to ask the Provider for correction if he feels that the Provider
violated his rights or did not handle the complaint to the satisfaction of the Guest. If the Provider at his request o
rectification of the violation of his Guest’s rights, answered in the negative, or at his request
did not respond for more than 30 days. The guest can submit a proposal to start an alternative dispute resolution
of the subject of alternative dispute resolution (hereinafter referred to as the ARS subject) pursuant to Act 391/2015 Coll. about
alternative dispute resolution. According to §3 of Act 391/2015 Coll. are ARS subjects authorities and authorized
legal entities. The Guest has the right to choose between ARS subjects. The proposal can be submitted by the Guest in a way
determined according to §12 of Act no. 391/2015Z.z.
23.2. The list of alternative dispute resolution entities can be found on the Ministry’s website
of the SR economy – http://www.mhsr.sk/. Other important ones are also published on the mentioned page
information on alternative dispute resolution for Guests.
23.3. In case of sale of goods or provision of services based on a contract concluded at a distance
or a contract concluded outside the seller’s premises, the Guest also has the right to appeal
to the Provider with a request for correction (by e-mail), if he is not satisfied with the way in which
the provider has processed his complaint or if he believes that the provider has violated his rights. if
the provider responds negatively to this request or does not respond to it within 30 days of sending it,
The guest has the right to submit a proposal for the initiation of alternative dispute resolution to the subject of alternative resolution
disputes (hereinafter referred to as the ARS entity) according to Act 391/2015 Coll. ARS subjects are authorities and authorized persons
legal entities according to §3 of Act 391/2015 Coll. The proposal can be submitted by the Guest in the specified manner
according to §12 of Act 391/2015 Coll. The guest can also submit a proposal through the alternative platform
dispute resolution RSO, which is available online at: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
23.4. Disputes arising from the contract between the provider and the Guest can be resolved in the form of ARS
disputes related to this contract, with the exception of disputes according to art. § 1 par. 4 of Act no. 391/2015 Coll. a
disputes whose value does not exceed EUR 20. The proposal to start the ARS is submitted to the ARS entity
according to sec. § 3 of the cited law, with the help of a platform or form intended for that, which
the sample forms attachment no. 1 of the cited law. The ARS entity may require the Guest to pay a fee for
initiation of ARS, but up to a maximum of EUR 5 including VAT. If several entities are responsible for the ARS,
The Guest has the right to choose which of them to propose. In addition to ARS, the Guest has the right to refer to substantive and
local competent general or arbitration court.

Alternative dispute resolution
These General Terms and Conditions and legal relationships arising on their basis are governed by Slovak law.
Any disputes arising from these GTC and the Agreement will be settled before the competent court in the Slovak
The resolution of Clients’ complaints in relation to the Services provided by the Hotel is regulated by the Hotel’s
Complaints Procedure. In the event that the Client – consumer is not satisfied with the manner in which the Hotel
handled his complaint, or believes that the Hotel has violated his rights, the Client has the right to contact the
Hotel as a seller with a request for redress.
If the Hotel responds negatively to the Client’s request in accordance with the previous sentence or does not
respond to such a request within 30 (thirty) days from the date of its sending by the Client, the Client has the right
to submit a proposal for the initiation of alternative dispute resolution to the entity of alternative dispute resolution
pursuant to § 12 of Act no. 391/2015 Coll. on alternative resolution of consumer disputes and on amendments to
certain laws.
The competent entity for the alternative resolution of consumer disputes with the Hotel as a seller is:
The Slovak Trade Inspection, which can be contacted for the stated purpose at the address SOI Central
Inspectorate, Department of International Relations and ARS, Prievozská
32, postal folder 29, 827 99 Bratislava, or electronically to ars@soi.sk, or adr@soi.sk, or
another relevant authorized legal entity registered in the list of alternative dispute resolution entities maintained by
the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (the list of authorized entities is available at
https://www.mhsr.sk/obchod/ochrana-spotrebitela/alternativne-riesenie-spotrebitelskych-sporov-1 /list-of-subjects-
of-alternative-resolution-of-consumer-disputes-1, whereby the Client has the right to choose which of the listed
entities of alternative dispute resolution to turn to.
The client can use the online alternative dispute resolution platform available at
https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/dealing-with-customers/solving-disputes/online-dispute to submit a
proposal for alternative resolution of their consumer dispute -resolution/index_sk.htm. You can find more
information about the alternative resolution of consumer disputes on the website of the Slovak Trade Inspection:



1.1. The gift voucher can be purchased from the provider.
1.2. Gift vouchers can be used to pay for the purchase of a stay or stay packages.
1.3. The gift voucher is valid from the day the amount equal to the value of the voucher is credited to the provider’s account for the period indicated on the gift voucher.
1.4. A gift voucher is a valuable item, the falsification of which is punishable under the relevant laws
regulations valid in the Slovak Republic.
1.5. Each gift voucher has its own identifier – a unique code.
1.6. Gift vouchers can only be used for a one-time payment during the period of validity
gift voucher.
1.7. After the expiration date, the gift voucher cannot be redeemed or refunded
funds corresponding to the value of the gift voucher.
1.8. If the price of the services used is higher than the value of the voucher, the difference must be paid.
1.9. In case of loss or deterioration, the gift voucher will be issued by the provider
new/replacement gift voucher.
1.10. It is not possible to return the money for a gift voucher that has not yet been redeemed and also not
it is possible to exchange it for a voucher with a different validity period, in addition to exercising the right to
withdrawal from the contract.
1.11. It is possible to withdraw from the purchase of a gift voucher purchased from the provider
within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract, the subject of which is the purchase of a gift voucher, or from the date when the amount in the value of the voucher was credited to the provider’s account.
The gift voucher may not be redeemed. The withdrawal period starts from today
following the day on which the said contract was concluded. To withdraw from the contract is
possible even without giving a reason. The customer exercises the right to withdraw from the contract by filling out the form
for withdrawal and by sending it to the email address info@glampingresort.sk within the deadline according to
of this paragraph. In case of withdrawal from the contract according to this paragraph, the provider will return the funds
to the guest’s account.